

Select a specific year to view the grantees award within that year
Developing Communities Project
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Telpochcalli Community Education Project
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Centro Romero
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Target Area Development Corp
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Lakeview Action Coalition (One Northside)
ONE Northside organizes people from over 100 institutions, as well as individual community residents, from Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown, Ravenswood, North Center, Lake View, and Lincoln Park.
Mercy Housing Lakefront
Mercy Housing’s Core Values of respect, justice, and mercy guide everything that we do: from our daily work, to who we partner with and how we serve communities. We believe that housing justice is social justice, which informs our approach to affordable housing, allowing us to help more people and more communities.
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) advances racial and economic justice by bringing together the Chicagoland Jewish community as a powerful force for change.
Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) is a community-based organization advancing diversity, leader development, and models for engagement as the catalysts for social justice.
Jane Addams Senior Caucus
Jane Addams Senior Caucus is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors in the Chicago metropolitan area.
Developing Communities Project
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Telpochcalli Community Education Project
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Centro Romero
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Target Area Development Corp
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Lakeview Action Coalition (One Northside)
ONE Northside organizes people from over 100 institutions, as well as individual community residents, from Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown, Ravenswood, North Center, Lake View, and Lincoln Park.
Mercy Housing Lakefront
Mercy Housing’s Core Values of respect, justice, and mercy guide everything that we do: from our daily work, to who we partner with and how we serve communities. We believe that housing justice is social justice, which informs our approach to affordable housing, allowing us to help more people and more communities.
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) advances racial and economic justice by bringing together the Chicagoland Jewish community as a powerful force for change.
Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) is a community-based organization advancing diversity, leader development, and models for engagement as the catalysts for social justice.
Jane Addams Senior Caucus
Jane Addams Senior Caucus is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors in the Chicago metropolitan area.