

Select a specific year to view the grantees award within that year
DuPage United
DuPage United was founded and exists today to change systems and structures that are unjust.
Midwest Academy
The Midwest Academy is a national training institute committed to advancing the struggle for social, economic, and racial justice.
Lugenia Burns Hope Center
To develop the civic engagement of residents in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood, and other communities, through education, leadership development, and community organizing.
Alliance of the Southeast
ASE represents a breadth of organizations, civic leaders, members, and allies, all committed to reinvesting in the families and neighborhoods of Chicago’s Southeast Side. Together, we are making our communities stronger, safer, healthier and more powerful.
Lake County Sponsors
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community
The Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community unites the resources of member organizations and individual members to empower Chinese American communities in Greater Chicago.
Albany Park Neighborhood Council
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Community Organizing & Family Issues
It is a center and a resource for Family Focused Organizing, leadership development and community building focused on the well being of children, youth and families.
PASO (West Suburban Action Project)
PASO – West Suburban Action Project is a community-based social justice organization that works to engage community members to address issues that affect them, their families, and neighbors with the mission to build stronger communities where all residents can live dignified lives regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic or immigration status.
DuPage United
DuPage United was founded and exists today to change systems and structures that are unjust.
Midwest Academy
The Midwest Academy is a national training institute committed to advancing the struggle for social, economic, and racial justice.
Lugenia Burns Hope Center
To develop the civic engagement of residents in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood, and other communities, through education, leadership development, and community organizing.
Alliance of the Southeast
ASE represents a breadth of organizations, civic leaders, members, and allies, all committed to reinvesting in the families and neighborhoods of Chicago’s Southeast Side. Together, we are making our communities stronger, safer, healthier and more powerful.
Lake County Sponsors
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community
The Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community unites the resources of member organizations and individual members to empower Chinese American communities in Greater Chicago.
Albany Park Neighborhood Council
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Community Organizing & Family Issues
It is a center and a resource for Family Focused Organizing, leadership development and community building focused on the well being of children, youth and families.
PASO (West Suburban Action Project)
PASO – West Suburban Action Project is a community-based social justice organization that works to engage community members to address issues that affect them, their families, and neighbors with the mission to build stronger communities where all residents can live dignified lives regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic or immigration status.