

Select a specific year to view the grantees award within that year
Inner City Muslim Action Network
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) is a community-based organization advancing diversity, leader development, and models for engagement as the catalysts for social justice.
Jane Addams Senior Caucus
Jane Addams Senior Caucus is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors in the Chicago metropolitan area.
Community Renewal Society
Working together, with one voice and many hearts, we fight for what we believe: life, justice and equality. Together, with many hands, we work every day to become a region free of race and class barriers.
Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project
Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project is a social impact organization committed to community organizing for the rights of immigrants in Chicago’s southwest suburbs through education, civic engagement, and advocacy.
Northwest Side Housing Center
Founded in 2003, the Northwest Center identifies and responds to the needs of the community by leveraging resources to improve the economic well-being and quality of life in Belmont Cragin and the surrounding communities.
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) advances racial and economic justice by bringing together the Chicagoland Jewish community as a powerful force for change.
Southwest Organizing Project
The Southwest Organizing Project’s (SWOP) mission is to build a broad-based organization of Christian, Muslim and Jewish faith institutions, local schools and other institutions in Southwest Chicago, which will enable families to exercise common values, determine their own future and connect with each other to improve life in their neighborhoods.
Action Now Institute
Action Now Institute (ANI) began operating as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in April 2010. We have extensive experience in community organizing, a solid network of allies and an experienced staff of organizers, researchers and trainers. Our primary campaigns include quality education for low-income, minority students in Chicago, foreclosure prevention in Cook County, and raising the minimum wage in Illinois.
Inner City Muslim Action Network
Aenean venenatis sem odio, non ornare dui eleifend ut. Aliquam blandit, lacus ut lobortis ullamcorper. enim enim tempor nunc, ac viverra lacus risus sit amet turpis. Nam pulvinar nibh
Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) is a community-based organization advancing diversity, leader development, and models for engagement as the catalysts for social justice.
Jane Addams Senior Caucus
Jane Addams Senior Caucus is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors in the Chicago metropolitan area.
Community Renewal Society
Working together, with one voice and many hearts, we fight for what we believe: life, justice and equality. Together, with many hands, we work every day to become a region free of race and class barriers.
Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project
Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project is a social impact organization committed to community organizing for the rights of immigrants in Chicago’s southwest suburbs through education, civic engagement, and advocacy.
Northwest Side Housing Center
Founded in 2003, the Northwest Center identifies and responds to the needs of the community by leveraging resources to improve the economic well-being and quality of life in Belmont Cragin and the surrounding communities.
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) advances racial and economic justice by bringing together the Chicagoland Jewish community as a powerful force for change.
Southwest Organizing Project
The Southwest Organizing Project’s (SWOP) mission is to build a broad-based organization of Christian, Muslim and Jewish faith institutions, local schools and other institutions in Southwest Chicago, which will enable families to exercise common values, determine their own future and connect with each other to improve life in their neighborhoods.
Action Now Institute
Action Now Institute (ANI) began operating as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in April 2010. We have extensive experience in community organizing, a solid network of allies and an experienced staff of organizers, researchers and trainers. Our primary campaigns include quality education for low-income, minority students in Chicago, foreclosure prevention in Cook County, and raising the minimum wage in Illinois.